Kombetsasion ni muna'sesetbi:

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Welcome to Wikipedia. We invite everyone to contribute constructively to our encyclopedia. However, make article with no encyclopedic meaning is not allowed. Thanks DARIO SEVERI (talk) 10:30, 27 Disiembre 2017 (UTC)[reply]

Este na påhinan kombetsasion muna'sesetbi taina'an ni ti ha fa'tinas kuenta-ña pat ti ha u'usa i kuenta. Entonses na in i'isa i numiron IP para in aidentifika gue'.

Buente ha' na guåha unos kuantos na muna'sesetbi ni ma u'usa i enao na IP. An un muna'sesetbi taina'an hao ya manñiente hao na guåha na kommentu ti prisisu ni manadirihiyi hao, pot fabot fa'tinas kuenta-mu pat log in para mansuhayi yinaoyao yan i otru na muna'sesetbi siha.